Steps of Preparation…

What I have discovered over the course of my life is that we are given the steps of preparation throughout our lives. Every job, activity and experience equips us with the skills that the soul mission requires at a later moment if we choose to answer subsequent calls. Although each new doorway feels like tremendous change, if we really look at what is being asked of us, there are elements of what we have already done… perhaps just not in as expansive a way.
So many people desire to reach a specific point, and reach it quickly. But if that happened, would we be prepared to handle it. I am not quite so sure. The beauty of experience is that it stretches us into becoming more… not to frustrate us or scare us, but to help us shed the limiting aspects of ourselves. We are so much more than we have been taught or shown.
    If I look back my preparation for a magazine was creating newsletters… preparation for coaching was dealing with people inside of dressing rooms while helping them change the outside as well… a fashion background helped create trendy items to support the tour expenses… being in front of customers in a retail setting, on stages for fashion shows, behind a mic for a radio show were all steps toward this show. and the unknowns of myself… the singing… the comedy… the wild ride? Well maybe they are not the purpose or the plan but stepping stones as well for something else. Can we be open to a continuous unfolding of ourselves? I am willing to live that way, are you? Ponder the steps that have been along the way… What has each step prepared you for?
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Return To Joy: Andrew Harvey & Carolyn Baker — CLICK HERE  
Return to Joy is a compelling and potent invitation to the reader to consider that joy is the ultimate nature of reality and that its absence lies at the root of the current, unprecedented global crisis. In this book, Andrew and Carolyn mine the mystical wisdom of the ages that places joy at the core of our existence and purpose as a species, moving forward to consider in depth the myriad enemies of joy in our time. Looming large among these is the personal and collective shadow which must be confronted directly if we are to reclaim our birthright of vibrant living in a spiritually and emotionally anesthetized culture.

In Love… Simran  – 
