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Simran Singh speaks at Seeking Indigo – Charleston SC

July 26 – Talk & Book Signing at Seeking Indigo
Simran Singh at Seeking Indigo in Charleston, SC—Symbols, coincidence and synchronicity are part of a personal conversation from the Universe, intended to provide ease and guidance. We are not alone. nor have we been creating life experiences on our own. There is a co-creative Universal Intelligence who is very much involved and continually seeking a dialogue. The problem is not so much the life challenges, but our own individual lack of communication with our co-creator. A conversation is happening all of the time, but we must open our eyes and ears to it. When we do, an opportunity to reconnect with the lighter side of life ensues. We do not have to get wrapped up in the heaviness. Instead of becoming overwhelmed by the issues at hand, we can become aware of the answers and solutions constantly presenting themselves. More info on Simran Singh at