A Vision of Oneness…

Have you ever just known… There is another way. Do you believe in infinity, the concept of giving and receiving, serving and being served? How deeply committed are you to others; to yourself?
Something beautiful is unfolding. And honestly, its not something the head understands, but the heart completely resonates with it. Its not about an agenda; it truly is about giving and unconditional love. Its not about commerce, sales or pushing; it is about connection, commitment and community. Can we use existing structures to create new pathways and a new world experience? We sure are holding a Vision of Oneness!
This started as a heart dream and a deep soul interest… a real belief in community, serving one another as equals. If we united the power of our collective desire to serve, through a manner of unconditional giving where all could grow and be supported, the benefits could be life-changing… actually world-changing. A Vision of Oneness began…

  • A fractal of like-hearted people united, creating a vision of oneness (teachers, therapists, artists, speakers, authors, coaches, creatives, activists, world servers, humanitarians, nutrition, health and wellness professionals, etc…)
  • A shared sense of belonging for a steadily growing outcome as income that fueled support to steward individual dreams and ways to serve.
  • The ability to scale our community resources for an infinite experience of giving and receiving.
  • A highly-motivated community coming together…to empower others in making something extraordinary happen. To build an expanding engine of growth and impact emphasizing one Divine truth…YOUR PRESENCE IS ENOUGH!

What is our shared pain?
We all simply want to serve… we know others like ourselves who want to serve… We desire to create and share our given gifts with the world. Often, many are blocked by lack of support, isolation and lack of funds. A Vision of Oneness is serving to resolve those issues by individuals participating and connecting. Each drop in this ocean creates waves of abundance for everyone.
This is sacred activism of the heart. It is participating because you can… and because there is a creative connected sense of Oneness that the adventurous spirit not only wants to discover, but also wants to embody with others willing to play at that same high level. We are focused on people living their destiny. It is not what you have known because it is inspired from a place that knows our wealth is in our togetherness, and through that we create even more.
Imagine locking arms with people that you have never known and may never meet, but they are wanting to give to you, because they believe in our oneness and in collective abundance. THIS has inspired me and so many others. I, WE, hope you join with US so we can give to you. I hope YOU realize how many others WE can give as they become a part of US. This is a Vision of Oneness!
Are you ready to be embraced, held, served?
Are you ready to receive?
Are you willing to pay it forward?
Thank you for taking the time to read, explore and contemplate this outpouring of energy… we invite you into our hearts.
Do you have a Vision of Oneness? When is a good day and time to dive deeper into this conversation… in this new way of communion?
In Love, Service, Connection and Community for the Aliveness of Creativity, Compassion and Greater Humanity… Read the FAQ’s, Watch the video… be enveloped into a community of giving and receiving unconditionally to the self for the purposes of serving others. www.VisionOfOneness.com
SIMRAN – www.iamsimran.com 
11:11 Media — P O Box 13795 Charleston SC 29407
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11:11 Talk Radio – Voice America 7th Wave, Health & Wellness Network: Weekly Interviews & Discussions
11:11 Magazine – Online Magazine of Higher Consciousness