We are all Empaths

     Empaths bring the gift of reflecting the environment. We are all ‘sensitives’ and ‘intuitives’. But, we all begin as empaths, either aware or unaware.      As children, we feel into the environments around us and reflect that. So a tantrum is not always a tantrum, often it is the withheld upset of a parent or environment.   …

Real Awakening…

     Real awakening is not some external force or happening. It is a knowing deep within that is all self concept as an identity or personality. It can be a shocking revelation, but in most cases it is a continuous dawning. Awakening is as if the sun rises inside of you instead of only outside of you.     …

Service Through Self Awareness

     Anything can become an addiction, not just food, alcohol, drugs, sex, work, electronics but also attainment, achievement, status, fighting, indifference, belief systems, etc… Anything.      Regardless of material or social successes, people can still be deeply unconscious; slave to their minds, patterns, emotions, and ‘things’.      The human ego can justify anything as a subtle way …

Communing with Life

We must learn from our brethren species how to commune with the rhythms and cycles of earth. An unconditional trust exists in all other life that holds presence, acceptance and trust…

How Do You Know Light Is Emerging?

   How deeply will go? An invitation awaits you… to discover what has been hidden from you all along. Has it been a conspiracy? Yes… you conspired for this time. It is the final walk of the Divine journey when the dawn comes and there is Light. The surprise, however, is that the Light is not to shine upon you… it …

How Do You Touch The Universe?

We have become as outmoded as the systems that are crumbling. We have been fighting the changes on the outside, and equally fighting the changes on the inside. The human being and the manner in which it has functioned will not be able to survive if we continue being whom we have been… doing as we have done… living how …

How Does Deep Trust Emerge?

     The past taught us to be revolutionary. We have been shown how to fight, both in war and for peace, but fight nonetheless. Revolutions are a reaction to circumstances not necessarily resolutions to them. For a new experience of humanity and the awakening to being Hue-man, we must choose something radically different. The moment has come to bring …

Awaken Your Spark!

The awakening from human to Hue-man requires you move from the references of ‘what was’ to the presence of ‘what IS’. The only importance for ‘what was’ is to create the initial bridge one must cross, as you let go of the greatest illusion of all… the inheritance of woundedness from history, held beliefs systems, ideas  of stuckness and attachment …

New 11:11 Magazine May Issue Releases!

  Wings of Flight is to assist you in soaring by grounding you in what will empower you. Dive into spiritual principles, high vibe consciousness and inspired action as you partake of the beauty and richness inside….

Just Breathe….

It is time to take a breath… a deep one. The more life makes you want to move; slow down. The greater your mind feels like acting; pause. The stronger your thoughts become to do; be. Just Breathe…