The Newly Evolved YOU

On this 11-11-11 Day, may you be blessed with the highest evolutionary activation possible… Do you know the gifts of today?

The Power of Now

The Power of Now is the Power of You ready to accept it. Your whole life has been in preparation for this moment. Can you reveal yourself to us? We are waiting…waiting for so long to see YOUR beauty, to witness your birthing…to know your magnificience. 

The Message

Silence is the place where the messages come. We have to go in earnest and reverence. We must be clear in our asking and even clearer in our hearing. When we are ready and present the message always comes…

Are You Asking the Right Question?

The universe answers every question that you ask. Most people ask disempowering questions. ‘Why me? What’s wrong? Who’s to blame?’ But, when you begin to ask ‘how and what can I give’, you start to be inwardly taught that you have so much to give.